Approach Midlife with Passion.

Coaching and courses to help unlock your highest self and create the life you truly desire.

Manifest the life you want to live.

It’s okay to seek guidance to:

It’s normal to feel lost or uncertain about your future at midlife. Even if you’ve had relative success in the world, oftentimes in midlife, you may find that the things that once brought you validation are no longer as fulfilling as they once were.

You may even feel some regret about paths unexplored, or pieces of yourself undiscovered.

While this can be unsettling, midlife can be an exciting phase of reevaluation and transformation, a time for understanding your past with compassion and envisioning a new future.

A future where you experience a deeper sense of self. A future with passion and balance that is authentic to the you that is now.


Hi, I’m Suzanne

It is my mission to help women in midlife become more connected, engaged and inspired to live the second half of life with passion and purpose.

As a Certified Master Jungian Life Coach, with specialized training in Success Mindset Coaching and Positive Intelligence®, I am here to support you on a midlife awakening to reconnect you with yourself.

Together, we’ll discover the parts of yourself that want to be expressed in the next phase of your life.

Midlife is meant to be embraced not feared.

It’s okay to be reminded that:



Private Sessions

Our sessions will blend psychological inquiry, spiritual insight, and neuroscience-based methods to support you in making lasting changes in your life.

the breakthrough

In this 8-week small group program, you will learn neuroscience-based strategies to overcome self-sabotaging patterns and awaken your inner sage for a life that is more calm, stress-free and joyful.

You will leave feeling free of the negative inner voices that keep you stuck and ready to make your next moves with excitement and confidence.

the transformation

This six-month program will include deep exploration, leading to lasting transformation. Together we’ll set a path for how to live this next chapter with intention and authenticity.

You will leave with a clear vision for the more purpose driven, heart-centered life your Soul is longing for.


Designed to help you cultivate spiritual and emotional practices so you can make lasting changes in your life.

Break Through Self-Sabotage

Wouldn't you like to be guided by positive emotions like curiosity, creativity, and purpose instead of being unconsciously driven by negative emotions like stress, guilt, shame and fear?

Learn how you can build self-awareness and retrain your brain to access its deeper wisdom. This free 75-minute workshop unlocks a life that is more calm, stress-free, and joyful.

Reclaim your Inner Gold

When you are young, you tend to hide unique unique radiant qualities in order to appease societal norms. 

Midlife is the time to rediscover and embody those aspects that make you, you.

This free 75-minute workshop provides three keys to live your purpose and find fulfillment in your next chapter.


Explore the collection of free resources to start you on this exciting path forward.


These free guides provide insight into Jungian psychology and Diving Deep concepts can help you approach midlife with authenticity and purpose.


These books are all wonderful resources for your midlife journey, exploring the transition from a Jungian perspective, and helping you trust in the experience.


The podcasts explore themes like experiencing an inner calling,  how you grow, your sense of belonging as you age, and the journey of personal fulfillment.

Discover new aspects of yourself with confidence and curiosity.

Embrace the journey to uncover your inner strengths.

Allow the transformation that you are capable of.

“Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research.”

-Carl Jung